statuette romaine Reims

Chemical composition of Gallo-Roman figurines

Amélie performed pXRF measurements on an exceptional lot of metal figurines collected at the site of Reims (51) Place Museux. This project is financed by Eveha as an intern research program. The analysis will bring informations on the elemental composition (alloy) of the artefacts and characterise the ornementation and specific surface treatments some e-objects exhibit.

The figurines were first sanded to clean a maximum of the corrosion without damaging the artefact. PXRF analysis took place prior to the stabilisation of the metal that requires chemicals in order to avoid any kind of contamination. Several measures per object were taken to take into account the heterogeneity of the artefacts. Some figurines benefited from additional measurements in targeted areas to bring light on suspected aesthetic treatments.

These analysis will be completed in the next months by radiographies of the artefacts and a thorough comparative study. All the data and results emerging from this project will be published in national rank journal.